Postfix ban failed logins script

Fail2ban hasn’t been working for me, I still have people running brute force attacks on my Postfix server, so I though I’d rig up something myself.

This consists of a bash script that identifies multiple failures and bans them, run on cron every 10 minutes. It checks for both smtp and pop/imap login failures.

# postfix ban failed login ips
# get all failed ip addresses into files
cat /var/log/maillog | grep "authentication failed" | grep -Eo "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" > ~admin/mail_fail_smtp
cat /var/log/maillog | grep "auth failed" | grep -Eo "rip=([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" > ~admin/mail_fail_imap
find ~admin/mail_fail_imap -type f -exec sed -i 's/rip=//g' {} \;
# only get over 5 fails (change the limit= part to change)
sort ~admin/mail_fail_imap | uniq -cd | awk -v limit=5 '$1 > limit{print $2}' > ~admin/mail_fail_imap_over5
sort ~admin/mail_fail_smtp | uniq -cd | awk -v limit=5 '$1 > limit{print $2}' > ~admin/mail_fail_smtp_over5
# read through files and add IP to hosts.deny if not there already
while read p; do
if grep $p /etc/hosts.deny; then
echo $p " already added"
echo ALL: $p >> /etc/hosts.deny
done < ~admin/mail_fail_smtp_over5
while read p; do
if grep $p /etc/hosts.deny; then
echo $p " already added"
echo ALL: $p >> /etc/hosts.deny
done < ~admin/mail_fail_imap_over5
# clean up
rm -f ~admin/mail_fail_smtp
rm -f ~admin/mail_fail_imap
rm -f ~admin/mail_fail_smtp_over5
rm -f ~admin/mail_fail_imap_over5

Then added to crontab:

*/10 * * * * /home/admin/ > /dev/null

And just in case the localhost fails and is unintentionally blocked (this is quicker than filtering it out above):

echo "ALL:" >> /etc/hosts.allow

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2 Responses to Postfix ban failed logins script

  1. Nice script.
    But why you don’t use a firewall like CSF firewall to block all brute force attacks on all services?
    You can adjust the number of tries and the time between tries etc.

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