PHP Recursive File Copy Function

I couldn’t find a function online that copies folders recursively in PHP and actually works, so I wrote my own:

function recursiveCopy($src, $dest) {
if (is_dir($src)) $dir = opendir($src);
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if (!is_dir($src.'/'.$file)) copy($src.'/'.$file, $dest.'/'.$file);
else {
@mkdir($dest.'/'.$file, 0750);
recursiveCopy($src.'/'.$file, $dest.'/'.$file);
} //else
} //if
} //while
} //function

To summarise: if the source is a folder, open it and start reading the files. If the files are not folders, copy them straight to the destination, if they are folders, create a new folder at the destination and then run the function again (within itself) for the new folder.



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