Fix nss-softokn rpm/yum issue in CentOS 6

The recent update to nss-softokn breaks rpm/yum updates in CentOS 6. To restore functionality run these commands: For 64-bit: # wget # rpm2cpio nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3-19.el6_6.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv # cd lib64 # cp libfreeblpriv3.* /lib64 # yum update For 32-bit: # wget # rpm2cpio nss-softokn-freebl-3.14.3-19.el6_6.i686.rpm | cpio -idmv #… Continue reading

Add custom fonts to WordPress TinyMCE editor with @font-face

The list of fonts in the WordPress visual editor is quite short. There are plugins available to increase it, but I wanted to add my own custom font to the select dropdown. There’s no plugin hook for this, so it needs a little lateral thinking. Firstly, generate your webfont @font-face in… Continue reading

Process email bounces with PHP

This is a quick script to process email bounces, for example from a mailing list so that users can be flagged up or unsubscribed when they have too many failures. The actual bounce identification will be done by Chris Fortune’s Bounce Handler, which you can download from: We require… Continue reading

Monitor server cpu resources with email notification

I thought I’d write a quick script to keep an eye on which processes/users are using too many cpu cycles on my CentOS server. This checks the usage over the previous 5 minutes and emails a detailed list of cpu-hungry processes if it’s over the defined limit. Run it from cron to… Continue reading

Dovecot brute-force blocking with fail2ban

If you are getting any brute force attacks to your dovecot imap/pop3 server, install fail2ban to block the offenders. This works on CentOs 5.7. For other distributions, see the relevant websites. Firstly, install fail2ban. You should have the rpmforge repo from my previous post. Enable it first to install fail2ban:… Continue reading