Install MeshCentral agent on Alpine Linux

To install in Alpine Linux you need a specific installer that doesn’t need glibc so download that from your MeshCentral server (replace with your server url): # wget –no-check-certificate If it has downloaded and included the query string in the filename then remove it # mv meshagents\?id=33 meshagents… Continue reading

Add custom icons to MeshCentral (part 3 – styles)

Carrying on from part 2 (night mode), if you copy the stylesheet style.css from C:\Program Files\Open Source\MeshCentral\node_modules\meshcentral\public\styles (in my installation) to our custom directory (- in this case C:\Program Files\Open Source\MeshCentral\meshcentral-web\public\styles) and make a few adjustments, it’s a little prettier. These are the sections to change: .DevSt {padding: 15px !important;background:… Continue reading

Add custom icons to MeshCentral (part 2 – night mode)

Following on from part 1 I have updated the icons for night mode, if you edit config.json (in C:\Program Files\Open Source\MeshCentral\meshcentral-data in my installation) and update the domains section to use night mode and hide the header and footer (see code below) and then use the icons linked to here… Continue reading

Add custom icons to MeshCentral (part 1)

MeshCentral is great, but the icons are a little Windows 7. Luckily, the author Ylian Saint-Hilaire has added a simple way to change them. Go to your MeshCentral installation folder and navigate to \meshcentral-web\public\images – this might look something like this: C:\Program Files\Open Source\MeshCentral\meshcentral-web\public\images Then place the icons in the… Continue reading